
The student care centre follows the public holidays stipulated by the Ministry of Education. Thus the centre will close during those holidays.

School Term

The same as the one based by Ministry of Education.

Additional Centre Closure Days:

People with value will give value. We, therefore, place top priority on life-long learning for our staff in order to be people of value to give value to the children’s learning. To achieve this goal, we allocated days they will go for training externally and internally. Thus, we will have 7 working days of center closure each year to enable our staff to undergo a planned internal programme for their overall professional and personal development. The external programme is mostly conducted in the evenings or weekends and these do not need school closure. However, the internal programmes will span during the weekdays. Parents will be informed one month before such closure is enforced.

For any enquries with regard to Student Care Centre please email us at Or simply register your child by clicking on this link.

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