Enhancement Programmes During School Term/ During School Holidays* Include:
Value-Add Programmes
Addeen Weekly Programme For Muslim Students
Discovering Fitrah:
- Anchoring Iman: Knowing & believing in Allah & the unseen
- Nuturing Adab: Exemplifying the lives of other Prophets & sahabah & sahabiyah
- Practising Fiqh: Knowing the Implementation of the 5 pillars of Islam with understanding
1-To-1 Quranic Literacy Using the Haqqa Tilawatih Books Level 1 & 2 before proceeding to recite the Quran
Enhancement Programmes
Programme by Scholastica:
- Islamic Science: School science topics with an Islamic perspective
- Creative Writing: Creative writing using Al-Quran as the source textbook
- Public Speaking: Public speaking skills to groom Muslim speakers
*Value-add programme during school term and school holidays will be made known to parents ahead of time. These programmes aim to help children get an exposure of learning from different people who are expert in their area of specialisation.
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